Friday, March 14, 2008

Snow Rage

Violence is breaking out in Montreal and in other parts of Quebec due to the snow. Now, this is something I did not know before I moved to Canada, but you do not, under any circumstances, put the snow that fell on your property on another person's property, nor can you put it in the street. You just have to move it around on your own land. I found this out the first year I was here when I helped a little old lady who lived up my street shovel her drive after a particularly heavy snow. I was just moving the snow and I tossed some into the neighbor's yard. She totally freaked out and said that I just can't do that. I thought it was strange at the time, but it seems I was lucky the homeowner didn't come out with a gun:

Guns and fists as snow rage erupts

Happy shoveling!


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