Thursday, February 07, 2008

The "Extremely Clever" Award for 2007

Congratulations to the knee-powered generator!

According to the Toronto Star, "scientists" created a knee-powered generator that can generate up to 5 watts of power if one is worn on each knee.

To quote: Lawrence C. Rome of the University of Pennsylvania called the development "extremely clever.''

Thank you, Lawrence C. Rome (though I am thinking you must not have a Ph.D. or the paper would have put "Dr." before your name.... oh wait, this is the Star. Nevermind. You are probably the Distinguished Chair of the Clever Things department at the University of Penn.) Actually, Mr. Rome invented a backpack that generates power while a person... backpacks. He was very impressed by the cleverness of the knee generator, but pointed out that it would need to be comfortable before it would cut into his backpack sales. I say, double-up and you can run your treadmill off the power you generate walking on the treadmill. Wow... I just saw colors!

Here's the story.

Happy walking!



Blogger Brian said...

I say, double-up and you can run your treadmill off the power you generate walking on the treadmill.

This blew my mind!

11:04 PM  

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