The Trillium Controversy
The Liberal government of Ontario, the government everyone loves to hate, has changed the provincial logo at the tune of over $200,000 Canadian (that's around $5 for you Americans out there).
People are outraged. You can read the story here, and the reader reactions here. I can save you the effort of actually reading the reactions and say that pretty much everyone hates the new logo. I have to agree with this on this one. I prefer the cleaner, older logo designs to the new "corporate" one that doesn't really resemble a trillium so much as, as one reader described it, "a Christmas tree about to fall over." For those of you who do not know what a trillium is, here is a picture of one:
People are also complaining because the new Ontario logo resembles the Liberal party's logo. Personally, I don't really see a huge resemblance save for the slanty thing they have going... but perhaps I am looking at the wrong logo.
Anyway, this, along with the last Liberal corruption scandal with some advertising agency and a piddly amount of money, passes for controversy in Canada. Frankly, while I DO consider redesigning logos to be a huge waste of time, the fiasco with the University of Kansas versus Kutztown University is a case in point, I think the Canadans should count themselves as lucky that this is as bad as it gets.
No seriously, doesn't the old symbol seem to indicate that recycling should be taking place?
I like the wavering Christmas tree analogy ... or maybe poison ivy (it has shaggy edges and 3 leaves)??
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