Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone! I can't report any funny business in Canada as far as the holidays go (unlike in New Zealand where a pack of rampaging Santas caused some damage), so instead I shall report on my favorite Canadian TV shows, to date, that you probably haven't seen (unless you live in Canada).

Puppets Who Kill. This is a strange show about a halfway house for homicidal puppets. The house is operated by Dan, the social worker, and four puppets live with him. They have all killed, and most of them continue to do so on a fairly weekly basis. Not every episode is a winner, but they are consistantly good. The joke about Canadian Tire money really got me.

Sons of Butcher. Sons of Butcher can be explained in just one word: wrong. Actually, I should use two words: Seriously Wrong. Anna knows, she's seen it. Jokes about glory holes, ball sacks, and coughing up your own testicles are the rule of the day. This is one of those shows that transcends television as Sons of Butcher is a real band located in Hamilton, ON (Steeltown), though I don't know if they are actually butchers too.

Royal Canadian Air Farce. This is like SNL, but funny, and it is VERY Canadian. Short skits about Canadian politics and culture, and they also make spoof ads. I don't always get the jokes on politics, but I can at least get the Newfie jokes.

Kenny vs. Spenny. Two guys compete. They have really stupid competitions. They really try to win. This apparently started as a comic short and bloomed into a show on Showcase. It is funny, though I'm not sure what they will do in the second season.

Curling. I must be a Canadian at heart. I friggin' LOVE Curling. It is so much fun to watch. That, or I must be really bored. Perhaps some of both. Even so, it is, with hockey, my sport of choice right now. I like Curling because there is a lot of yelling over nothing. That amuses me on some level. Also, it is really nasty and competitive. I am looking forward to Olympic Curling.

Buzz. Buzz is no longer on the air, but boy was it funny. I watched it last year, it's final year. Two guys travel around, mostly Toronto, and make fun of people and get them to do silly things. Once, they ran a bar out of their trunk as a protest against the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). They were just giving away drinks. They also curse a lot, which is amusing as well.

So those are my shows. In general, Canadian TV is better than American TV because they don't censor everything out of the shows/movies. You heard bad words, you see nudity, etc. More European. They also have French channels, though it is in Quebecquois French, which is hard to understand.

Keep on keepin' on and joyeux noel.


Blogger Anna said...

Curling is strangely hypnotic and it is an Olympic sport that involves brooms. For these two reasons it gets my love.

Sadly I think it might be like the lunar-landing, in that it is entirely created by Hollywood for our amusement. I mean seriously, have you ever actually SEEN anyone curling??

7:55 PM  
Blogger Ken said...

...winter olympics... 2am...
...when there was no hockey...

11:55 PM  

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