Thursday, December 15, 2005

Art History According to Undergrads

So, I spent ALL day marking final exams. Got up at 7:30 am, an unholy hour for me, got down to campus by 8:30, oversaw the final for two hours, and then I graded until 8 pm. It was horrible. The other TA and I were getting punch drunk. At a certain point, I didn't even know what language I was reading. Oh, did I mention there were 158 tests? Three essays a piece?

So the prof and we TAs, the three of us total, each took an essay and mine was the Roman one, since I had lectured on Rome, I could grade it the most easily, but we shared funny comments when they popped up. So I am going to share with you some of the funnier things people wrote as part of their essays on their Ancient Art History final:

Romans were obsessed with the arch.

Greek vase painting truly exploded with the arrival of the geometric style.

If there is one thing we have plenty of, its Greek vases.

(On Augustus:) Never had a Roman Emperor (and he was the first) had so many art pieces relating to him.

And my personal favorite:

Romans were, like the Borge [sic] from Star Trek, assimilators.

So that is my Canadian experience for the day. It was bittersweet as the class is now over, but I'm definitely glad the marking is over.

Meanwhile...The World According to Student Bloopers


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